香港 2天港島徑 Hong Kong 2-day Hong Kong Trail Day 1

2024 Spring Day 1 平凡的一天 1-4段 H001 – H050 [山頂廣場黃泥涌峽] 25公里 6小時


Day 1 Just another ordinary day Section 1-4 H001 – H050 [Peak Galleria to Wong Nai Chung Gap] 25 km 6 hr 

Compared to the other two trails that I have attempted, the Hong Kong Trail is relatively easy. The weather was nice and I finished with my friend within a blink of an eye. Sometimes, a normal hiking day is something that is worth a record. 

港島徑 Hong Kong Trail
感恩是能見度很高的一天 A great day with good visibility

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