香港 4天麥理浩徑 Hong Kong 4-day MacLehose Trail Day 0

2024 Winter Day 0 繼續豪華版全走

上次鳳凰徑的體驗很好,很高興自己找到舒適的方法親親大自然~ 今次如法炮製4天行麥理浩徑(即每晚也回家休息),非常期待。

MacLohose Trail 麥理浩徑
Day 0 Continue my luxurious hike 

After the trial on Lantau hike, I’m glad that I found my own way to be in nature~ This time I will also hike for four days to finish the Maclehose trail in a luxurious way (meaning I would go home and rest at night). I definitely look forward to the hike. 

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