印尼 伊真火山 Indonesia Kawah Ijen (1)

2018 Summer 第一個自助背包旅行

依稀記得當年從峇里出發,搭了約3小時巴士,到達外南夢。前一晚住進了Titan’s Greenhouse,然後參加當地團在凌晨時段出發。導遊有為我們拍照藍色火焰和超大量硫磺礦物,親眼看見世界上最大的藍綠色酸性湖。雖然伊真火山好大硫磺煙,照片也不太漂亮,但都慶幸有勇氣開始這個一人之旅,是這個第一個自助背包旅行,開啟了人生新的一頁。

印尼 伊真火山 Indonesia Kawah Ijen
硫磺礦物 Sulphur
印尼 伊真火山 Indonesia Kawah Ijen
藍色火焰 blue fire
2018 Summer The first solo backpacking trip

I set off from Bali and took a 3-hour bus to Banyuwangi. I stayed one night at Titan’s Greenhouse and woke up at midnight  to join a local tour to Kawah Ijen. The tourist guide helped us to take pictures of the famous ‘blue fire’, which ignited sulfuric gas. Although the huge amount of sulfuric gas makes it difficult to see the world’s largest acidic crater lake, I am thankful that I took the courage to start this solo trip and this is the first solo backpacking trip that turned a whole new page in my life.

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