印尼 布羅莫火山 Indonesia Mount Bromo (2)

2018 Summer 勇敢和浪漫

由外南夢到龐越,巴士需時大約6小時,相當佩服當年在車上食左6小時二手煙的自己。在Clover Homestay 休息了一晚,也是參加當地團在凌晨時段出發。布羅莫火山的日出很美,有準新人拍結婚照,團友也有一人自助旅遊,果然世上也有很多人很勇敢和浪漫。

印尼 布羅莫火山 Indonesia Mount Bromo
印尼巴士 Indonesia bus
印尼 布羅莫火山 Indonesia Mount Bromo
日出的布羅莫火山 Sunrise of Mount Bromo
2018 Summer Brave and Romantic

It took around 6 hours to travel from Banyuwangi to Probolinggo. I stayed at Clover Homestay after suffering from 6-hour second hand smoking pollution. >< Again, the local sunrise tour to see the Mount Bromo was totally worth it. There was even a cute couple taking wedding photos. Alongside with other brave solo travellers in the day tour, the day was definitely sweet and romantic. 

印尼 布羅莫火山 Indonesia Mount Bromo
行上布羅莫火山湖 Hike to the lake of Mount Bromo

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