印尼 帕達爾島 Indonesia Padar Island (3)

2018 Summer 飲恨而回

鏡頭一轉,搭了內陸機到拉布安鎮,住進了Hotel Surya。近距離見識了全世界上最大隻蜥蜴:科摩多巨蜥後,轉戰帕達爾島。我也是參加了一日團,登上頂觀看神奇的三色海灘火山島。景點很多旅客,大家忙著拍照,雖然世俗但又令人高興,也是有人願意付出,會在烈日下行半小時上山打卡。

Indonesia Padar Island 印尼 帕達爾島
跟隨領隊找尋科莫多龍 Follow the guide for Komodo Dragon
Indonesia Padar Island 印尼 帕達爾島
科莫多龍 Komodo Dragon
科莫多龍 Komodo Dragon
2018 Summer Regret my choice

After a domestic flight to Labuan Bajo, I took a rest at Hotel Surya. First, I went to see the world’s largest lizard, komodo dragon. The next stop was the highlight of Padar Island. The day tour brought me to the stunning three-colour beaches. The place is very touristy, but I am happy to see others willing to hike under the sun for half an hour for the wonderful nature. 

Indonesia Padar Island 印尼 帕達爾島
在帕達爾島附近出海浮潛 snorkeling near Padar Island


Indonesia Padar Island 印尼 帕達爾島
浮潛後的茶 Tea after snorkeling

This trip was so memorable because of my clumsy personality. Afternoon was a snorkelling activity that actually included visiting a pink beach. I must have been very nervous and I overheard this information. Plus I didn’t hear the time allowed and I was worried that I was left in the sea. I came up so quickly that even the boatman asked me why I didn’t stay longer. Then, how did I find that out? The girl from the same boat told me about that afterwards, but that was already too late. One day I must go visit the place again!

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