2019 Summer Day 2 朝聖日本最大鳥居 [中川王子至熊野本宮大社] 21公里
第二天經過世界遺產熊野本宮大社,根據田邊市熊野觀光發展局,熊野本宮大社是熊野三大神社之一,也是日本全國3000多座熊野神社的總本社。而行完21公里最震撼的是日本最大鳥居,那34公尺讓人有感覺自我的渺小和日本對神明的表達是多麼敬重。當晚住進旅人の宿 蒼空げすとはうす (8600 yen) ,我預訂只包早餐是因為附近有不同餐廳和補給。
Day 2 In search for the largest Torii in Japan [Nakagawa-oji to Kumano Hongu Taisha] 21km
Today I hiked with a guy from Belgium. He had an enormous backpack and it was shocking to find out he planned to travel to Beijing and North Korea after the trip in Japan. Working in Hong Kong which is famous for the long working hours and inadequate holidays, I could only be envious about such a long holiday between work.
According to Tanabe City Kumano Tourism Bureau, Kumano Hongu Taisha is one of three grand shrines of Kumano, and the head shrine of over 3,000 Kumano shrines across Japan. After a 21km hike, what shocked me was the biggest Torii in Japan. The 34m infrastructure totally makes me feel the insignificance of myself and how dedicated Japanese people pay tribute to their gods. That night I stayed at Blue Sky Guesthouse (8600 yen), which only includes breakfast since there are various restaurants and convenience stores nearby.
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