2023 Summer Day 3 支線任務 登上名護岳 7.5公里 2 hr
第三天是在名護探索的一天,其後交通在Day 3詳細說明。在酒店進食早餐後約8點出發,在名護市沒有騎單車。帶備足夠防曬和水,先走到名護城公園,再沿馬路走到入口都有清晰指示,臨到山頂有路段略陡峭,要小心以上,今天能見度很高,看見漂亮的城市景,別有一番風味。感謝出發時看到的黑貓貓,一切都很順利。
落山後去了Orion啤酒廠,去這裡需要提前預約呀。然後再到Sea Living Cafe吃超好味的冬甩,接著就和名護說再見啦。
Day 3 Side Mission Hike Mt Nago 7.5 km 2 hr
The third day is an exploration day in Nago and transportation to continue the bike trip would unfold on Day 3. After having breakfast at the hotel, I set off at 8am. This time I didn’t bring my bike with me. I started at Nago Castle Historical Park with enough sunscreen and water. The directory along the way is clear but the last part to the peak is a little steep and you should be careful. The day was clear and it was super nice to look at the city view from the mountain top. Another lucky moment was the moment I saw a black when I started the hike. I was very blessed because of that.
After the hike, I went to Orion Happy Park which you needed to register early. Finally, the day trip in Nago was wrapped up nicely with super yummy donuts in the Sea Living Cafe.
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