英國 南部 七姊妹斷崖 South of England The Seven Sisters [交通攻略 Transportation Guide]

2024 英國:可惜天氣不似預期

到達後很快就可以拍到連綿不斷的白崖。當天可惜烏雲密佈,而且相當大風,家人都不想久留,我們在崖邊往Belle Tout 燈塔的方向走了一圈,沒有健行就離開了。如果大家去到好天,很推薦大家來健行唷。出發前看了很多攻略,最後都沒有跟隨,有興趣可參考交通攻略如何在這裏半日遊。

2024 England: It’s a pity that weather was not as expected

After we arrived, we were able to capture the uninterrupted white cliffs along the shore. It was a pity that the day was so cloudy and windy that parents didn’t want to stay longer. We walked a loop in the direction Belle Tout Lighthouse and didn’t hike as planned. If it happens to be a nice weather for you, I highly recommend you to hike in the nature. We looked into loads of travel journals before the day but ended up not following any of them. If you are interested in how to travel in half day, you can look at the transportation guide session.

Birling Gap and the Seven Sisters
捕捉了很久才有的小藍天 Long-awaited little blue sky
Birling Gap and the Seven Sisters
嘗試用花做前景 可惜拍照技巧有待改進><
Tried to use flowers as the front layer, but photo taking skill shall be improved ><
Belle Tout Lighthouse
往 Belle Tout 燈塔的方向走了一圈 Walked a loop in the direction of Belle Tout Lighthouse
交通 Transportation

搭1.5小時火車從Victoria到Eastbourne ,再步行約5分鐘至12A Coaster巴士站,於Gildredge Road (Stop G1) 上車,約15分鐘後East Dean Garage下車,再沿馬路邊步行30分鐘後到達。

Take the train from Victoria to Eastbourne for 1.5 hr. Walk for 5 min to 12A Coaster Bus stop. You get on Gildredge Road (Stop G1) and get off at East Dean Garage after around 15 min. Walk along the road for 30 min and you will arrive.

其他資訊 Other Information

Website: https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/sussex/birling-gap-and-the-seven-sisters
Business Hour: Visitor Centre 1000 – 1600
Address: Beachy Head Rd, Eastbourne BN20 0AB英國

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